Facebook: A University Pastime

-Jon Wallace is your friend, but he didn't request you
-I still haven't met you, but you're my friend on Facebook
-Stalking. Enough said
-Publicly displayed events makes your life look more interesting than it actually is
-Leaving videos on your friends walls during class
-You reply "maybe" to events to seem like you have something better to do
-A great political advertisement platform
-Making your relationship "Facebook official" is a during point in the relationship
-Having song lyrics in your status
-Letting the world know how excited you are about stuff. example: "Sarah is so excited that it's lunchtime." or "Brett is :)"
-Mutual friends? Add them
-You meet someone and you already know their birthday, phone number, favorite movies, relationship status and hometown
-When you don't use your status correctly. Example: "Carrie SPRING BREAK!" or "Sam is is having a good day"
-Being in a cause makes you feel like you're helping the world
-Because Myspace was SO highschool
-You're friends with your friends parents but not your own
-Someone must love you, you got a free gift
-Someone must REALLY love you, you got a gift that cost 99 cents
-Facebook thinks you're a computer because you've sent so many bumper stickers
-Pirate or ninja? You decide
-You had to change your name is McLovin because 100,000 people joined your group
-Making your hometown the trendy college town you're in
-You were offended that your friend tagged you as "the pimp" or the "good little church girl."
-You have a picture with the title "tag yourself"
-25 things
-Human interaction cop-out
-Having an album dedicated to Photobooth
-Your default is a self portrait taken in the mirror
-Jesus is your friend on Facebook
-You feel more popular
-You feel more insecure
-Having a quote in the quote section that you said
-A way to keep in touch with your highschool friends without actually having to keep in touch
-Knowing who from highschool is pregnant, fat, or drunk
-An excuse to judge people
-Nothing to do? Facebook.
-Something to do? Facebook
-"Social studies"
-Promoting your blog
-Someone chats you you don't want to talk to you, you sign off and blame it on the bad APU internet
-Reading other people's wall-to-wall's
-Hot babes are great advertisements
-Coming home and searching for that girl you saw on the walk
-Using your friends Facebook to look at someone you're not friends with
-Knowing stuff about your siblings you didn't want to know
-You've said, "TAG ME!" after someone took a picture
-Actual interaction is over rated
-Constantly asking yourself, "is this who I am?" via profile page
-You are part of a thread
-Your day got better, you were tagged in a note
-You have your word document strategically placed in class so you can take notes and still see you if you got a new notification
-Displaying personal beliefs through the notes application
-Having an original and unique answer for "religion" and "political views."
-Saying you're born in 1932
-Making your hometown a foreign country. Original.
-You considered giving Facebook up for lent. You then reconsidered
-You have untagged yourself in a picture.
-Using "friends" for freebies
-Poking wars!
-Are you a college freshmen? Facebook videos!
-You have denied that stalker more than once
-You have been denied more than once.
-You have kept your friend in friend request purgatory
-Having stuffAPUlikes.blogspot.com in your status.
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